O B J A V A - P R O C L A M A T I O N
Objavljeno: 12. Jul 2005. 00:07:00
DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, Amerièki Senat i Amerièki Dom Predstavnika su usvojili rezoluciju kojom se priznaje da je genocid uèinjen od strane srpskih snaga u Srebrenici i u èitavoj Bosni izmeðu 1992-e i 1995-e; i

DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, ove rezolucije su zajednièke mjere kojima se komemorativno obilježava 11-i juli 2005-e, na desetogodišnjicu srebrenièkog masakra u kojem je skoro osam tisuæa nevinih Bošnjaèkih civila ubijeno u najgorem zloèinu protiv civila u Europi otkako se desio holokaust; i

DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, ova godišnjica poveæava spoznaju o tragiènom stradanju Bosanaca i poèasno se podsjeæa onih koji su poginuli zbog politike etnièkog èišèenja; i

DAJE SE NA ZNANJE, ovim Grad Grand Rapids priznaje važnost ovog dogaðaja kako bi se došlo do pravednog okonèanja za Bosance kroz istinu i pravdu; i

SADA I OVIM PUTEM, ja, George K. Heartwell, Gradonaèelnik grada Grand Rapids-a ovime objavljujem sedmicu 11-og jula svake godine, kao


u gradu Grand Rapidsu, pozivam sve graðane da rade skupa kako bi se okonèao krug nasilja i da promoviraju zajednièki suživot za sve.

George K. Heartwell

Jane Magniant

Secretary to the Mayor


WHEREAS, both the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives passed resolutions acknowledging the genocide that the Serbian forces perpetrated in Srebrenica, and all of Bosnia from 1992 to 1995; and

WHEREAS, these resolutions are a bipartisan measure commemorating July 11, 2005, as the tenth anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in which almost eight thousand innocent Bosniak civilians were executed in the worst atrocity in Europe since the holocaust; and

WHEREAS, this anniversary raises awareness of the tragic suffering of the Bosnian people and honors and remembers those who died as a result of the policies of ethnic cleansing; and

WHEREAS, the City of Grand Rapids recognizes the importance of this event to bring closure for the Bosnian people through justice and truth;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, George K. Heartwell, Mayor of the City of Grand Rapids, do hereby proclaim the week of July 11, 2005, as


in the City of Grand Rapids, and call upon all citizens to work toward ending the cycle of violence and promoting peaceful coexistence among all.

George K. Heartwell

Jane Magniant

Secretary to the Mayor
